Sketching Presentation
by Luisa Carver
July 18, 2023
Please join us for a presentation on sketching and some hands-on activities guided by Luisa. We will explore why, when, and how we sketch. We’ll do some quick sketches so please bring any paper, notebook or sketchbook you have at home, and add a pen, colored pencils, and markets to your bag, too.
We will be working standing up or on our laps so watercolors aren’t advisable. There will be some supplies on hand if you don’t have any.

Sketching Meetup
Luisa Carver organizes monthly outdoor sketching events. Bring your sketch pad, drawing utensil(s) and a smile!
Join us on July 18th.
For this month's location and time - Please contact Luisa via email or
Photographer and Member Karen Bowden will be presenting a demonstration on cell phone camera tips and tricks. Date tbd.

Plein Air Painting
Organized by Luisa Carver 904-699-4059.
Luisa Carver arranges our monthly Plein Air Painting meet-up. Please contact her for upcoming dates/times.
Her email is luisacarver@gmail.com
Her number is 904-699-4059.